Reflexology for Menopause


Women at some stage in their lives will experience symptoms. It is a natural process, and it is a journey that women progress through. On average we spend a third to a half of our lives post menopause, so we need to embrace this period and decide how we can make plans to achieve a happy transition to get to this point.

Most women will start to experience the first signs of perimenopause in their early forty’s, it may be earlier or later, dependant on the individual. The transition through to menopause, on average, takes 4 years but this can range from 1-12 years and the average age of Menopause in the UK is 51. It is estimated that 80% of women do experience some symptoms with the most common being hot flushes and night sweats.

So, what can we expect?

During Perimenopause, you may start seeing symptoms such as:

  • low mood

  • increased anxiety

  • irregular periods

  • mood swings

  • irritability

  • headaches or migraines

  • changes in your skin dry/oily

These are possible indications that your hormones are changing. During these early years it’s a great starting point for you to start making lifestyle changes in preparation for those later Menopause years. For example, exercise, healthy eating and managing stress and self-care. Your hormones may well be fluctuating and therefore balancing them with the support of reflexology, along with healthy lifestyle changes, may help in balancing them, which in turn may help you cope with moods, irritability, anxiety, headaches etc.

So, what happens when I get to Menopause?

At this stage your periods will stop and you may start developing symptoms such as.

  • hot flushes

  • headaches and migraines

  • heart palpitations

  • weight gain

  • Osteoporosis

  • low libido

  • thinning hair

The list can be endless. BUT it can be managed and supported, and therefore it’s not something to be afraid of or worried about.  Some women can feel like they are going mad. Which is not the case, having someone to talk with and supporting you can be the first steps in learning to cope with your symptoms.

I have been researching the Menopause over the past year, working with clients, and seeing some great results, including less severe symptoms and most importantly in most cases resulting in improved sleep. Sleep deprivation can have a massive impact on our lives, especially when working, looking after a family, or just trying to carry out a day normally. Insomnia can be affected by carbohydrates, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and sometimes gluten. So, it’s a great time to start a food diary and to try and eliminate or by cutting down on some of these.

Anxiety and depression can also be a struggle for some. Clients have also, in most cases, seen an improvement in their mood.

If you would like to know more, please get in touch, I am happy to have a phone chat, and if you would like to consider reflexology with a health and a wellbeing plan please get in touch.

Sessions will be adapted after discussing your personal health consultation. The first session, with consultation, takes approximately 60-90 minutes. I recommend at least two sessions, with the first two a week apart, if possible.


*If you are concerned about your symptoms, particularly if it is affecting your mental health, please seek advice from your GP or healthcare professional. HRT can be a very effective solution if you are going through the menopause.


Healthy Habits to improve your hormones


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